
In what cases should one consider additional water purification?

Additional water purification may be necessary in various cases, including:

Insufficient water quality from the source, the need for dechlorination and taste improvement, removal of chlorine from the public water supply system, when purification is required for specific needs, for the safety from pathogenic microorganisms, or for other personal preferences.
To achieve the desired result, let’s first understand the basic water quality parameters:

  1. pH (potential hydrogen) – it measures the acidity or alkalinity of water. The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14, where 7 is considered neutral pH, and 7.35 is considered ideal since it matches the pH of the blood. Values below 7 indicate an acidic environment, and values above 7 indicate alkaline. Controlling water pH is important because acidic or alkaline water can affect the effectiveness of purification and water quality. Drinking water should have a pH in the range of 5-12, where mineral waters usually have values from 8.5 to 12.
  2. TDS (total dissolved solids) – it is a parameter that measures the total amount of dissolved minerals and salts in water. It is expressed in milligrams of dissolved solids per liter of water (mg/L). A higher TDS level typically indicates harder water with more mineral salts. The normal TDS level for water is 75-250 mg/L, and the ideal level for coffee is 100-150 mg/L. Water with TDS below the norm will be too soft. Water with zero TDS is distilled water.
  3. EC (electrical conductivity) – this parameter measures the water’s ability to conduct electricity. Water’s electrical conductivity depends on the concentration of dissolved ions, including salts. It is usually measured in microsiemens per centimeter (μS/cm). Increased electrical conductivity may indicate a high content of salts and minerals.

To purify water, you should consider these parameters and choose appropriate purification methods:

  1. For pH correction, chemical reagents such as soda or alkalis can be used to increase pH, or acids to decrease pH, depending on the initial state of the water.
  2. To reduce TDS and EC, reverse osmosis or ion exchange resin methods are often used, which remove mineral salts and ions from water.
  3. Water purification may also involve filtration, disinfection (e.g., using ultraviolet treatment or chlorination), and other methods, depending on the purification goals and the initial water quality.

To determine the need for additional water purification, it’s important to know your water’s composition and your specific needs. Not every water purification system can solve your particular problem. It is recommended to conduct water analysis and consult with an expert or water purification specialist to choose suitable purification methods. If you live in Limerick, Shannon, or Ennis, experts from DryZone company will assist you in both testing and selecting a purification system that will meet your specific needs.

mineral water

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